Monday, 10 September 2012

Database Systems Design Example

What is Database systems design? If asked to write an essay on Database Systems Design example, this is the first question that you should answer to. Database systems Design is the process of producing a detailed and collection of data that is in digital form.
Historically, databases first applications focused on clerical tasks. Consequently, the focus changed to request for information. Finally, the dire need for data organization according to expected use and data processing gave birth to computerized manual files. As such, file systems to address the needs were formed.  The File System Data Management requires extensive programming hence making it time consuming. It also leads to islands of information. Click here for free sample research papers.
 Some of the Database Systems Design examples include; active database, cloud database,
distributed database, federated database, embedded database system, the-end user database, and data warehouse among others.
The active database includes an event-driven architecture which can respond to conditions within and without the database. They are most useful in monitoring, security, alerting and authorization.
The data warehouse on the other hand, archives data from operational databases.  They are concerned with bulk data manipulation. Consequently, it is unusual and inefficient to target individual rows for update.
 The distributed database refers to a modular DBMS architecture. It allows distinct DBMS instance to cooperate as a single DBMS over sites and computers.

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